WebDevelopment, ColdFusion, Railo, JS, Database and Tech-related by the Co-Founder and CEO of tunesBag.com

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Create & Connect to databases (mysql, SQLite etc) on the fly with ColdFusion

Working with databases in ColdFusion is very easy - you have to set up your datasources in the CFAdmin (or by code using the CFAdmin API) and you can start writing SQL using CFQUERY. But what if you want to connect to a database on the fly without creating a datasource?
In this case it comes in handy that ColdFusion is a Java-based product, so you can use all the power JDBC is offering. At the online music hub tunesBag I recently had to create SQLite databases on the fly - it's quite easy in fact as you can see below:

1) Add the JDBC Driver (or use an existing one)
You can use any JDBC driver, e.g. mysql, MS-SQL etc
In my case: Download the SQLite JDBC Driver from zentus.com and place it in wwwroot/WEB-INF/lib (sqlitejdbc-v053.jar)

a_sqlite = createObject( 'java', 'org.sqlite.JDBC' )
a_prop = createObject( 'java', 'java.util.Properties' )
db_filename = '/tmp/sqlite_' & CreateUUID() & '.db'

2) Write the code (this is an example for sqlite)

a_conn = a_sqlite.connect( 'jdbc:sqlite:' & a_db_filename, a_prop.init() )
a_statement = a_conn.createStatement()
a_res = a_statement.execute( 'BEGIN;')

Create the table
a_res = a_statement.execute( 'CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, firstname TEXT, surname TEXT);');

Insert data
prep = a_conn.prepareStatement( 'INSERT INTO
test (firstname,surname) VALUES (?, ?);' );

prep.setString( 1, 'John' );
prep.setString( 2, 'Doe' );

// you can add multiple inserts ...

prep.setString( 1, 'Max' );
prep.setString( 2, 'Mustermann' );

// insert!

// save the changes
a_res = a_statement.executeUpdate( 'END;');

// quit
a_conn = 0;

Where to go from here
For more details, check out the official JDBC documentation provided by SUN!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

mySQL - cfqueryparam - Comments - "No value specified for parameter"

I always try to add comments to complex queries against our mysql server and in order to see the comments in the debug output as well, I'm always using the /* comment syntax */ offered by SQL. The other day I added some comments to a rather complex query again and suddenly I received a strange error message all the time telling me "No value specified for parameter 4 / SQL State 07001".
After some playing around I found out that you should now use question marks in the SQL comments - it seems as CF or mysql is interpreting this char and assuming a parameter, even if it's contained in a comment.

Monday, 11 August 2008

New ColdFusion primer / tutorial

I've just finished a brand new tutorial for Adobe ColdFusion / CFML - in this primer I cover the basic server environment, database access, SQL, flow control, error handling and much more. Check it out here.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Not all CGI variables show up using CFDUMP

CGI variables must be something special - it is not possible to show all cgi variables when doing a cfdump. I just came across this bug when trying to use a custom #404 page where apache provides the original page URL in the CGI variable REDIRECT_URL.
I am just using CGI.REDIRECT_URL now and it works.
The interesting thing is that StructKeyExists(CGI, blabla) does not work at all - the check will always return true.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

VARing cffile and the result variable

I am using cffile to upload incoming files and of course in my component I "var" the cffile variable at the top of the function (like one should do with cfhttp etc):

The problem is that somehow the cffile scope will stay zero - until I added the property "result" to the cffile tag saying the result should be stored as "cffile" - so the whole call is:

Now it works again!

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Web Developer's Handbook

This endless list is like a Web Developers's Handbook at it's best ... a lot a page with stuff you already know but some interesting news as well

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Apache: Disable HostNameLookups

After an upgrade to our infrastructure (see a picture here), the delivery of content through apache was incredible slowly - the reason was that we moved our DNS servers to an external location and had no internal server for this task any more.
After some research we found out that disabling the host name lookup (HostNameLookups = Off) helped to speed up the pages delivery. Now our analyzer will perform the lookup task and we're happy again ;-)

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

JRUN crashes after changing the hostname of a machine

Yeasterday we updated our system and renamed a server from www-4 to www04 in our internal DNS system. After that, this server started to deliver pages very slowly (with a very low load, however) and after some reasearch we found out that chaning the hostname was responsible.
So make sure your internal hostname and the hostname set in /etc/hostname is the very same!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

MD5 Hash values: Be aware of uppercase/lowercase

These days I had to deal with a web service which needs a parameter as MD5 hash. I played around with for some time but authentification always failed, I did everything according to the documentation, however. Then I found out that the other service is checking the hash value case-sensitive, so I had to add a lcase to the string.
Some further research shows that almost every other service I know produces lowercase only hash values, ColdFusion produces uppercase values. Be aware of that! ;-)

Monday, 25 February 2008

JVM heap errors: Check every cffile / cfhttp request

This weekend I ran into trouble because the JVM (too small heap size) was crashing several times and after some research and debugging I found out that reading a 80 megabyte file with cffile was the reason for all the pain.
So be aware of this and do the following:
  • Check the size of uploaded files (by performing checks with the size given in cffile or using a routine like that).
  • Before you request any unknown website using cfhttp, do a HEADER operation and check out for the size (cfhttp.responseHeader, Content-Length) or add Content-Range headers to the request in order to allow only a certain content size

Sunday, 24 February 2008

ColdFusion / MacOS 10.5 / WebConnector: Not again!!

Every update of apache is a real pain for me and maybe most of the ColdFusion community. Each time the server engine is updated, the WebConnector has to be updated as well. In the current case, I decided to update my Mac OS finally to Leopard (10.5) and - bingo - with the apache update from 1.3 to 2.2 the whole connector stuff isn't working any more.
One solution might have been again to download the whole connector sources (XCode) and compile the connector myself - some hours work plus about 1-2 GB downloads for an about 90kb file.
The other solution: Follow these instructions and download the file offered for download.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Attention: INNER JOIN is now the default in transfer

With the update to the latest release of the CF - based ORM system Transfer 0.6.3. , the default JOIN behaviour has been changed to INNER JOIN - I was wondering why some of my queries started to return a much smaller number of records at once ;-)
The solution was to write the full LEFT OUTER JOIN statement instead.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Very uncool - no implicit structure creation within function calls

I am using more and more features provided by CF8 as we migrate our servers to this new system. One feature I love is the implicit creation of structures without the need of calling StructNew() all the time.
So - a major downside is that you cannot create structures using this way within functions calls ... very bad. An example:

a_component.StoreInformation( key = arguments.key, data = { firstname= a_str_firstname } )

Very uncool, same thing noticed by Ben